Monday, June 07, 2010

Land Reforms in West Bengal and Left Front

I would like to tell you about Land Reforms by Muslims and British. Land reforms means right to property, cultivation and perpetual ownership, so the Land owner is encouraged to develop the land and get more production and output from Land.But what Left front did was to take away land from Landowners and gave right to agri- labour, called ADHEDAR in Bengal. They were cultivating on developed land of Agriculturists (LAND OWNERS) not as agri-Labour, but on contact basis i.e. a short of partnership with landowners. Now Landowners lost interest (or made to lose interest ) in land, the poor agri-labour has no money to finance Agriculture. Previously Land owners used to finance for land development, seeds, fertilisers and pesticides. Now agri-labour can't find funds for this finance, which is the back bone of agriculture. He fell into the hands of moneylenders, who charged interest from 3 to 5% per month. Nationalised banks were not financing these poor agri-labours.

So with Land reforms of Left, poor agri-labours suffered, most of time in the hands of moneylenders, crop failure, shortage of agri imputs. Our agriculture production also suffered, we have no food security now, per capita availability of food grains came down, resulting in price rise for both urban and rural populations.

Thanks to Left front for their good work for the people of West Bengal.

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